Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Okay wonderful sewing people, I have a HUGE dilemma!! I was asked to help make a t-shirt quilt for the priest at my church, who is moving on to a new church after being with us for 12 years. He married me and my husband, baptized both my crazythings, so I was very happy to offer up my services.
Okay, I did not have anything to do with collecting the t-shirts. The Problem, which I need help with is this: Not all the t-shirts fit my thought process or the other ladies who were helping me out designing the top of the quilt. What do I do with the t-shirts that don't go? There are several that are just random t-shirts. There are a couple that just don't quite fit our theme. We went with all the t-shirts that had a connection to our town. Like school shirts, local businesses and local sporting teams.
How can I not hurt anyone's feelings by not having their shirt in the quilt? By the way, I don't know who donated or who did not, but I don't want a lot of hurt feelings. Any help would be appreciated. I don't know if I just put them on in a strip on the back or what? It's just some of these shirts are so random...HELP! Someone suggested one shirt be made into a pillow, but I really don't have time to make all of them into pillows, nor do I think he wants ten pillows! I think the biggest problem shirt is one kind soul went and made a shirt with pictures of her kids and wrote a message on the shirt. That would be a great quilt if everyone did that, but she was the only one. So it would really stand out and I think will cause a lot of hard feelings because other people didn't think/know that was an option. I have to make a decision by the end of the week, because it's due June 14th. Ya, nothing like a deadline.


  1. My first thought was to recommend putting the extra random shirts on the back. Second, how about cutting them into really small pieces and using them as a patchwork border? Not sure what to do about the lady with the photo of her kids... if it fits the theme, stick it on the front. Too bad the others didn't think of it...not your problem. If it doesn't fit the theme, put it on the back. You will never make everyone happy. Don't fret, keep on going. Don't forget to back the t-shirts with woven fusible interfacing. They will be a dream to sew!

  2. I agree with putting them on the back. Like PugMom said, you're not going to make everyone happy....

  3. can you make another baby size quilt with them?
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color


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