Saturday, December 6, 2014

Back or Front?

So yesterday morning I started off by getting two quilts ready to baste. That involved a LOT of ironing. I started off ironing the backing for the Manly Stripes quilt. While I was ironing, I was letting my mind wander and I started thinking about why I iron backings or really any large yardage of fabric from the back side.
I don't remember when I started doing that but why I started is something I do know. I find it easier to spot flaws in the fabric. Sometimes the design of the fabric hinds those little pulls and discolored spots so well, the only way to notice the flaw is to check the back. I just made it a habit to iron the back so I can get two steps done at once. The Manly Stripes quilt backing had two pulls near an edge that I tried to avoid and this quilt backing had several discoloration spots, but when I looked at the front they were invisible or nearly invisible.

I couldn't find the spots again while I was basting this quilt.
My next wandering thought as I was still ironing was, am I the only crazy person who does this or is this the normal way? Curious to hear from other people what side of the ironing board do you fall on? Front or Back?

Thanks for reading!
Just a Mom who Sews


  1. If I am ironing prints, I iron the back - for the exact reasons you wrote about. . . so if you are crazy, I am too. . . but that doesn't let you off the hook, most think I have a little crazy in me ;)

  2. I iron like you do too. Another reason I start from the back is in case I'm using someone else's iron and it spits up or has gunk on it. That way my pretty fabric doesn't get ruined. I do iron it from the front again, once I've done the back.


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